Catching a Revelation of the Son of God
But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen…(Galatians 1:15–16 KJV)

When God intends to elevate us into higher dimensions in our walk with Him or ministry, He often starts by revealing more of Himself. Our Christian experience and ministry hang on to our personal revelation of Jesus.
Paul’s impactful ministry began with such a revelation. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul recounts God revealing His Son to him before sending him to preach Jesus among the Gentiles.
This revelation involved a profound understanding of Who Jesus is and the significance of His redemptive work. For example, the first two chapters of Colossians present an astonishing revelation of Jesus, while the book of Ephesians beautifully illustrates the grace bestowed on believers through Christ’s work.
Although Paul had a dramatic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, the deeper revelations about Jesus didn’t come from that alone. Jesus told Paul He would appear to him again—after the prophetic vision (Acts 26:16).
Paul’s deeper understanding of Jesus came as the Spirit revealed Jesus to Him as he studied the Scriptures and walked with the Lord after his conversion. As Jesus promised in Acts 26:16, He appeared to Paul again, but this time through revelation and not prophetic vision. You never read of Paul receiving angelic visitations that taught him about Jesus or having prophetic visions like John in the book of Revelation. Yet the Spirit showed Paul the Son of God, unveiled in the Word, forever transforming his life and the lives of millions of believers.
Yearn for a deeper revelation of Jesus. Ask the Spirit to reveal the Son to you. Such a revelation of the Son of God—your personal revelation—dictates your Christian experience on earth.
What is revelation? How might God reveal Jesus to us?
Apply the Word
Salvation brings an initial revelation of Jesus, but we need a deeper understanding for spiritual maturity and fruitful ministry. Ask the Spirit for more of the Son of God. Then go beyond asking and seek to know Him by diligently searching His Word.
Ask the Spirit to reveal the Son of God to you in greater dimensions.
- What is Revelation?
- How to Open Your Spiritual Eyes
- Seeing Jesus in the Scriptures
- My Story About Seeing Jesus in the Word
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