One thing is needful for your success today

But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. (Lk. 10:42 KJV)

The verse above gives us Jesus’ stunning response to Martha’s request. when Jesus visited Mary and Martha, while Mary sat at Jesus feet listening to His Word, Martha was busy preparing food (probably dinner) for her special Guest. Then Martha requested that Jesus tell Mary to get up and help her. Jesus’ replay was not what Martha expected. He said “one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part”.

There are two questions I want to review from this verse. First, what is that one thing that is needful? Second, what is that one thing needed for? The “one thing” is God’s Word. Mary was in the place of receiving the Word into her heart, feeding her spirit. This “one thing” is what is needed for everything in our lives (Matt 4:4), and especially to have all-round success in everything we do (Jos.1:8). That is God’s perspective of His Word. He knows that His Word is the “one thing” we need, that will provide anything we need (2 Pet. 1:3). Strive to see what God sees in His Word.


Meditation is feeding your spirit. As you think and mutter the Word, and open your heart to it, the Word will sink into your spirit. Meditation gives the Word time in your mind and mouth. Meditate on the verse above!


Thank the Lord for the gift of His Word. Ask the Spirit to open your eyes to see the Word the way He sees it.


What would you do if you found the “one thing” you need to solve all your problems in life? You would probably sell everything you own to get that “one thing”.  Is that our usual attitude to the Word? The sad answer is “no”, because many of us don’t believe that His Word is truly the “one thing” that is needful. Change your attitude to the Word. and you will change your life for ever! (Prov. 4:20-22).

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