Offer Up Spiritual Sacrifices

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ  (1 Pet. 2:5 KJV)

Offer Up Spiritual Sacrifices showing a woman praising God

The Apostle Peter reminds us in this verse that God has created us to be a holy priesthood unto Him, to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. The context of the Old Testament Tabernacle helps us fully understand the spiritual truth God is communicating to us here.

The priests in Israel were descendants of the tribe of Levi, and they had the responsibilities of the worship that went on in the House of God, including offering a diverse array of sacrifices. The New Testament comes with an entirely different picture. The LORD says every single one of His people is now a priest unto Him. The sacrifices that are currently being offered are not goats, sheep, etc but what He calls spiritual sacrifices. He says as a  priest, you also have the responsibility to offer spiritual sacrifices to God. But what are these spiritual sacrifices?

Hebrews 13:15 says “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name”  KJV). Spiritual sacrifices are your praise, your worship, and thanksgiving to God. Think about that for a second. Every time you lift up your voice and praise the Lord, you are offering a spiritual sacrifice to Him which is worth more than all the animal sacrifices put together in the Old Covenant.

You are a priest unto the Lord. God has recreated you and given you the ability to offer unto Him words that are pleasant and acceptable. You are the true worshipper, worshipping God in spirit and in truth with the true spiritual sacrifices.


How does prophet Hosea compare our words with the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament in this  Hosea 14:2?


Your mouth is an altar to God, well-pleasing and acceptable through the Spirit. When you praise the Lord, you touch the Father’s heart with the real sacrifice that He longs for. Learn to praise and worship Him at all times.


Ask the Lord to help you fully fulfil your priestly ministry. 

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