Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment

Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment. (Ecclesiastes 9:8 KJV)

What an advice from the Preacher, the wise King of Israel! He says our clothes should always be white and our head should not lack any ointment. This is another example of what I would call “prophetic figurative language” where the Spirit was speaking through Solomon using figurative language to describe realities that concern us in Christ.

White clothes represent righteousness. He instructs us to let our garments be always white. In Christ today, we have put on the very righteousness of God (clothed in white) and we are told to keep those garments white. This is what the saints of old called positional and practical righteousness. Stay on the path of righteousness and holiness. Sin is escalating in the culture around us. God’s moral standards of holiness do not change. His foundation remains that, “The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity”. (2 Timothy 2:19 KJV).

He continues and said, your head should lack no ointment.  The anointing should  not run out in your life! As above, the Holy Spirit is in you forever as a believer. But His operations in your life can vary in our lives depending on what we are doing. That anointing will fan to flames as you engage in prayer, the word and fellowship with the Holy Spirit and will die out if we distance ourselves from God practically. Your head should not lack any oil.


Take a moment to ponder upon the words of the verse above in light of this devotional. Think about what they mean as they apply to you. 


Are your garments white or dirty? Is your head saturated with oil or is it  parched? Let your garments be always white and your head lack no ointment!


Talk to the Spirit about what you need to do about this devotional today. 

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