If it has not been the LORD who was on our side
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, Now may Israel say (Psalm 124:1, KJV)

This week is Thanksgiving week in the US. First, we recognize and are thankful for the founding fathers of this great nation who wired biblical principles into the very fabric of the public life of this nation. We know that things have changed( sadly for the worse) and are still rapidly changing for the US, shaking its very foundations. However, we give thanks to the LORD for the nation of America for the blessing it has been to the nations of the world through the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. And we continue to keep this great nation in our prayers.
The Psalmist talks about the LORD in a very affectionate and thankful manner saying “if it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say”. He probably sat down and thought about what the LORD had done for the nation of Israel. He considered what would have happened to them if the LORD had not been there. I would encourage you to develop this attitude of just reflecting on what would have happened to you if the LORD had not been on your side. It is an attitude that will provoke gratitude.
Israel, as a nation, could not have survived without the LORD. What about you? What would we have become if Christ had not come to die for us? There are some of us, including me, who will not be alive today if God had not protected us from wicked people who would have eaten us up as a lion devours its prey. I wonder what my life would have been if God has not helped me by His Spirit to resist the temptations of sin and not mess up my life. I wonder what my life would have been if I was addicted to alcohol or maybe pornography, had the LORD not cleaned my heart from lust. I wonder, I wonder…..Many of you have similar lists of things that you know if God had not been there, your life would have taken a downward spiral. When you think about them, there is nothing else that will come out of your mouth, but “Lord I thank You”. Can you tell the Lord right now, “ Lord, I thank you because if it had not been You who was on my side…….continue”.
I want you to intentionally think of 3-4 things right now that if God had not intervened in some way, things would have been terrible for you.
A thankful spirit is not something we cultivate solely in Thanksgiving week. It is a daily lifestyle, all year long for you, the believer. Let this week be an opportunity for you to review and ignite a thankful spirit in your heart.
Just take a moment to thank the LORD for being our God, Father, Savior, Lord, Keeper, Shepherd, Provider….
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