I will Build My Church
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18 KJV)

When Jesus spoke of building His Church, He laid the foundation for an eternal kingdom that death cannot conquer. But what do “build” and “Church” signify? How do these terms apply to us today, especially in these turbulent times?
The term “build” uses the metaphor of constructing a house. Jesus pictures His Church as God’s House on earth. The Greek term oikodomeo means to construct by combining different materials into one whole. Building isn’t a random assembly of parts but a masterful combination, producing a beautiful and useful structure. This is why wisdom is often associated with building. Solomon was given wisdom to build God’s House in the OT, and Paul was given wisdom to build it in the NT (1 Corinthians 3:10).
In addition to wisdom, building requires power to complete the work and overcome opposition. In this verse, Jesus presents Himself as building His House while crushing opposition from the gates of hell.
The term ekklesia, translated as “Church,” means more than just a gathering of people. In Greco-Roman culture, ekklesia referred to an assembly for political(governmental), civic, or religious purposes. However, Jesus spoke to Peter in Aramaic or Hebrew, with ekklesia being Matthew’s Greek translation. The actual term Jesus used was likely the Hebrew or Aramaic equivalent, qahal. Since Jesus’ teachings were firmly rooted in Hebrew culture, not Greco-Roman, His concept of qahal focused on the gathering of God’s people for religious purposes as used in the Old Testatment. While there may have been some Greco-Roman cultural influence, especially in the apostles’ understanding, the core meaning remains rooted in the Hebrew Old Testament.
There are two key aspects of ekklesia: the gathering or assembly and its purpose.
Thus, Jesus’ “Church” refers to the universal body of believers—His people, His assembly—not merely a local congregation. The Church He is building consists of people, not physical structures or ministries. The purpose of this gathering is to fulfill the Father’s will on earth: establishing a dwelling place for God and bringing His kingdom here. Notice how the metaphors of a house and kingdom blend seamlessly. The purpose of the Ekklesia is to be God’s dwelling place on earth, filling the earth with His glorious presence and establishing His kingdom by enforcing His will through His power.
As you grow in wisdom, power, love, and Christ’s character, overcoming sin, sickness, fear, and demonic influences, His Church is gaining ground. Furthermore, as we grow together as a Body—relating in love and functioning as one while expressing His wisdom and power—His House is growing.
Jesus intentionally uses “I” and “My” in describing His Church. The Church belongs to Him, and He is its Builder and Owner. It is an ongoing divine project, with Jesus actively constructing it working through His people. The ekklesia is Christ’s spiritual house and victorious army, as the phrase “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” indicates. Therefore the word “My” indicates that the Church is His project, and the battle against the gates of Hell is His battle—He guarantees that He will prevail and build His House!
God’s desire is to build His House, and when it is completed, His glory will cover the earth as it did the Tabernacle (Exodus 40:34-35) and the Temple (1 Kings 8:10-11). So keep growing, working, and building others in God’s House.
Pause and reflect on the meanings of “build” and “Church.” How is God building your life right now?
Apply the Word
God wants you to grow and build others. He has a great building project on earth—are you involved? Are you growing personally? Building His House is a top priority for Him—get involved!
Ask the Lord to send faithful builders into His House to build up believers.
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