The Mystery of God

That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ (Col. 2:2 ESV).

The mystery of God image showing a dark forest

Christ is the mystery of God! This revelation is so powerful! The word “mystery ” in the verse above is not some weird, mystical, thing God has done. It simply refers to the plan through which God fulfilled His eternal purpose-making each of us His dwelling place on earth.

We will not really understand who we are in Christ, until we fully understand God’s eternal purpose for us. Our salvation is much more than escaping hell and going to heaven. God has called every believer to be His dwelling place on the earth, through Christ. Believers then partake of the very nature of God Himself. Please make sure the truth of the phrase you just read settles in your heart! God actually made humanity to share in His divine nature in Christ (2 Pet. 1:4). But how can this be? How did God do this? The answer to these questions is found in the Man, Christ Jesus.

Christ is the fulfillment of God’s divine purpose for our lives on earth. He is the Word of God, and God Himself, that became flesh. God actually became a Man, and was living as one of us. After His work on the cross, everyone who believes in Jesus becomes a part of the Body of Christ, sharing the nature of God. Through the Person of Christ, God has brought humanity to partake of His divine nature!


Can you see the relationship between being “in Christ” and sharing the divine nature? Declare that “I am in Christ, and a partaker of the very nature of God”.


If the divine nature is in you, then you are entitled to the divine life, and the divine experience. Let this consciousness be in you as you live from today.


Thank the Father for making you a partaker of the mystery in Christ.

Recommended Read: Christ is in you. 

Foundational Read:What is a Daily Devotional?

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