I Called Upon the LORD

In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears (2 Sam. 22:7 KJV)

Call upon the Lord sowing fire department building

Calling upon the LORD in a time of trouble can be compared to picking up the phone today to call  911 for an emergency response, except that you are not calling upon men but  God. The saints of old had learned the secret of calling upon the Lord in trouble. When the people of God cry out to God to help them in time of crisis, they are calling upon the LORD or calling upon His Name.

There are a few things that get into calling upon the LORD. The first is that there is often a  distressful situation we find ourselves in. The second is prayer, often with a loud cry of distress but in faith unto our God. The Bible says of Jesus “Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared” (Heb. 5:7 KJV).

The next is trust in God. When we cry unto the Lord, we are declaring our trust in Him. People who do not feel they need God do not call upon Him. When our faith is stretched out to God, we are openly declaring that our eyes are on Him to save us from any distressing situation we find ourselves.

When a child of God calls upon the Name of the Lord in prayer and faith, heaven responds! God, Himself has promised that He will answer. Learn to look up to heaven for the solutions to your earthly crises!


How do you call upon the Lord? Does it matter if we call upon Him or we can always sit and expect Him to act since He knows everything?


Here comes the difficulty many believers are facing today. They have not learned to call upon the Lord in distress. Learn to respond to life’s challenges by looking up to heaven. Have you called upon the Lord in that situation that is causing pain to you? Or you just prayed a “diplomatic prayer”  expecting God to understand. Call, and He will answer you!


Thank the LORD for being your very present help at all times.

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