Calling upon the Lord in trouble shakes the heaven and the earth

I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies (2 Samuel 22:4 KJV)

prayer showing a man's hand in prayer

David expresses a profoundly important truth for the saints that is fully applicable to us in the New Testament. The Old Testament saints knew the power of calling on the Lord for help in times of distress and trouble. They knew when they called, He responded and saved them from their problems. 

Calling upon the Lord here refers to a prayer of petition in times of distress for God to intervene, often accompanied by crying. If you have ever wondered if there is a place for your tears as a Christian, here is one of those times!  When a believer cries out to God for help, something happens. David went further and describes to us figuratively what happens when the saints cry out to the Lord:

“In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried to my God: And he did hear my voice out of his temple, And my cry did enter into his ears. Then the earth shook and trembled; The foundations of heaven moved And shook, because he was wroth” (2 Samuel 22:7–8 KJV).

Figuratively speaking, heaven and earth shock when his cry came into the ears of the Lord!

We are living in a season where there are crises almost everywhere. The Church has the capacity, authority, and responsibility to cry out to the Lord for supernatural intervention. Your tears matter. Put them to work. Cry out for your nation. Cry out for the lost who have been blinded by Satan for them to be saved. Cry out for the Church because our problems seem to be as many as the world around us. Maybe there are also personal issues in your life that you need to cry out to the Lord. It is not just a cry of distress and desperation. It is a cry of faith expressing the burdens and groaning of our hearts. If your prayer closet has been closed for a time, it is time to bring it back to order and put it to use.


What are the different elements that are incorporated into the meaning of calling upon the Lord?


You hear me say this often that it matters if we believe God in a situation or not. Similarly, it matters whether we  pray and cry out to God or not. We must understand and believe this. Things might go awry and awful if we do not pray even if it is not God’s will for those things to happen. The details of why this is so are not so important and we might probably not fully understand them until Jesus comes. However, the reality is this: it is time to call upon the Lord. Please do not put it off. The time is now.


Ask for a fresh outpouring of the spirit of prayer upon you and the Church at large. 

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