How to be free from worry and fear

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Jn. 8:32 NAS)

We all know what fear is, or rather how it feels. The same is true of worry. God’s Word clearly teaches us His will, that we should live without fear and worry. From the outset, it might seem to be impossible on this side of eternity. If it were impossible, God will not command us to live above fear and worry.There are people who are literally in a cage of fear and worry. Fear has taken them captive. They fear and worry about everything from today to their future, and everything in between.

One of the key truths to freedom from fear and worry is found in the scripture above. When you know the truth, you become free. That implies when you are in bondage, look for the lie you have believed. Behind our fears is a lie we have unconsciously believed. Search your heart carefully and you will discover that there is a lie behind your current worry and fear. A lie can be as simple as “you will lose your job someday and not be able to provide for your family”. Or “something terrible might happen to your kids”. Identity the lie behind your fears and worries and replace them immediately with the truth of the Word. Once you know and believe the truth, freedom begins.


Ponder upon what Jesus said above. Is there a lie that might be keeping you in any bondage?


Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see lies that might be unconsciously controlling your life. Ask Him to teach you how to be free from fear and worry today.


God’s Word produces results only when we do what it says. Someone might be reading this and you know what is right for you to do but you are “afraid” that if you do it, this or that might happen. That lie is keeping you bound. Or maybe someone else is bound by something for years but is afraid that when they open up to someone, they fear what they would think of them. They continue to cover it up and remain in bondage. Hold firm to the truth in God’s Word. Take a step of faith and break yourself loose from any fear that might be keeping you bound in your finances, relationships, ministry, etc.

Recommended Read: What is Repentance?

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?


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