Homeless But Happy!
And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed (Gen. 2:8 KJV).
Did you realize that Adam and Eve were actually homeless in the Garden? They did not have a house to live in. You may then wonder how they were protected from the rains, wild animals, and other potential dangers in the environment. This calls into question the remarkable and mysterious workings of God in providing for and meeting the needs of His people.
Adam and Eve were homeless not because they could not build a house, but because they did not need one. The essential role of a house is a dwelling place, for shelter or rest. The Lord created the man and put him to dwell in a Garden, and there was no need for a house because God Himself made special glorious provisions for all of their needs. Man had a dwelling place specially designed by God.
The necessity for a house came in once they were driven out of the Garden. Then they needed a dwelling place to rest after a day of hard work, or to be protected from harmful things in the environment. And we continue to need a house to live in to this day because of the consequences of sin.
But God has prepared a special dwelling place for us. He has brought us back to a heavenly Eden through the work of Christ. He has become our House and Refuge to hide in! We will rejoice and be glad in our new heavenly home!
Why did the Garden of Eden perform all the functions of a house to Adam and Eve?
What made the Garden special? See Gen. 3:8.
If God is your Dwelling Place, then He is your Shelter, Protection and Place of Rest. Be conscious of these today as you go about your usual daily chores.
Thank the Lord for giving you a House. Ask that the Spirit show you how to enjoy and live truly in God as your Dwelling Place.
- Heavenly men living on earth
- Intercession in the Bible
- Understanding the Grace of God
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