The Other Side of Sex Beside the Pleasure

Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh” (1 Cor. 6:16 ESV).

Sexual sin is destructive showing the letters of love

There is an aspect of sexual sin that many who get trapped in it are completely unaware of. Sex is an extremely spiritual act, that goes deeper than the sensual pleasures that come with it. There are three critical aspects of sex: the physical act, the sensual pleasures, and a spiritual component.

1 Corinthians 6:16 above says when a man has sexual relations with a prostitute( adultery or fornication), he becomes one body with her. This is immediately compared with the mystery that occurs when a man believes in Jesus and becomes one spirit with Him ( v17). These are not natural but spiritual phenomena. Sex is one of the most spiritual things you can ever do! This is one of the reasons why Satan is doing everything in his power to invest his best resources to propagate sexual sin(the bad sex) because this sin gives him access to ruin and destroy people’s lives in a way that no other human activity does.

One manifestation of this principle is in the fact that sex outside of marriage is an open door or highway for demons to transfer from one person to another easily. Having sex with someone suffering from a demonic oppression or is possessed by demons will open a wide door for those demons to move from one person to another. This is part of the reason why Satan is pushing so hard for sexual sin. Be careful. There is more to sex than the fun. In God’s institution of marriage, sex is wonderful. Outside of it, you are inviting problems that you might not correct in an entire lifetime.


Can you now see why the sharing of sexually transmitted diseases(STIs) through sex is only the tip of the iceberg of what is shared during sex?


The Lord says we should resist the devil, but when He came to sexual sin, He says run! ( 1 Cor. 6:18).Even if you run and cry, just run anyway! If you are already trapped in this sin, please make no delay, ask the Lord for forgiveness and run out of it—now, for your own good!


It takes the Holy Spirit’s power to overcome the pressures of sexual sin in our modern culture. Sometimes it almost feels overwhelming. But God is able to keep us. Ask the Spirit to strengthen you in this battle.

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