Healing Power

And all the crowd sought to touch him, for power came out from him and healed them all (Lk. 6:19 ESV).

healing power

A miracle of healing requires divine healing power. God’s power is the active pharmacologic agent that precipitates miracles of healing.

Power is a spiritual virtue, as palpable as joy in our hearts. The scripture above says the “power of the Lord was present to heal”. This remarkable, healing power is so apparent, that we may perceive its presence or absence. In fact, the scripture says “and the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all” (Lk. 6:19 KJV). Spiritual virtue, or power, was coming out of Jesus to heal those who were sick!

Where do you find this power? I’m so glad you asked! Notice that this power is more than the inherent spiritual power already dwelling inside believers. The power that produces healing is palpable and  naturally tangible.This is called “the anointing”. It is power that is available in the natural realm. Every believer has the Holy Spirit (the  very power of God), but not every believer has this power operating in their lives with tangible results.

How do you find and activate this power so you may receive your healing? I will list three simple ways to access and cultivate the anointing. First, God’s power is found in His Word, so feed on the Word and learn to declare it. Secondly, God’s power is released through prayer. Lastly, God’s healing virtue is released through believers whom God uses as specially anointed vessels. Take advantage of all three avenues to nurture and activate God’s power to heal your mind and body.

Sickness is not from God. He wants us healed and whole. You must determine if you are willing to do what it takes to be healed.


Declare that “God’s power to heal dwells inside me. I am nurturing and cultivating that power.”


Put the anointing to work by pursuing any, or all, of the three avenues described above.


Thank the Lord for the gift of His power given to us.

Recommended Read: Bible verses about healing

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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