Giving is a heavenly grace

Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also (2 Corinthians 8:7, KJV)

The Lord instructs us through the  Apostle Paul to grow spiritually. He wants us to grow in faith, utterance, knowledge diligence, and love. These are all spiritual virtues that should abound in our lives as Christians. That means they should grow and increase their expressions. He ends the verse with an intriguing spin, saying as you are building these virtues, “see that ye abound in this grace also.” What virtue is he calling “grace” here that he wants us to abound in? Let us look back at verse 2: 

“How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality” (2 Corinthians 8:2, KJV).

The Corinthian Christians had given in difficult times to support the believers in need in Jerusalem. He calls it the “riches of liberality”, in other words, generous giving. He calls giving “grace.” That is, the act of generously giving to support those in need, especially fellow believers, is an act of grace. Let me point it  in context. He had mentioned growing in faith and love.  Faith, for example, is an act of grace, meaning it is the result of the influence of God’s Spirit on human hearts. He says giving is an act of grace, and he wants you to abound in this grace! 

One of the most graceful actions of your character will be the attitude of giving to meet the need of someone. I did not say here to give to a ministry or some man of God. There is a place for giving this way but the overwhelming testimony of the new testament pays particular attention to your attitude towards the needs of others. I know you can sow seeds to “advance the work of God”. What is your attitude towards the believer or person who is close to you and is in need? One of the most God-like things you can do is to give, even sacrificially, to meet the needs of your fellow human being by you. Grow in this grace!


Why does the Lord call giving “grace” in this scripture? When was the last time you responding in giving to someone who is in need by you? 


This devotional is not written to request  “seeds to be sown to our ministry”. I often get such responses from our readers when devotionals like this are published. So no, we are not asking for money! I am showing you what God has commanded. Grow in the grace of generous giving to meet the needs of people around you, especially the saints. When was the last time you manifested this grace? When was the last time someone’s needs touched your heart and moved you to give to them?  Grow, grow in this grace. I need not mention here there is a special reward, truly, that comes with this it.


Ask the Lord for the grace to grow in this grace and to start walking in it from today. 

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