God’s way to overcome stress in your life

Casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you. (1 Pet. 5:7 NAS)

It seems like the stress of living starts from the very first breath we take. There are many things that are seeking the attention of our hearts, from safety and unmet needs, to relationships, jobs, and families. Life is so full, that the world teaches us to worry is normal. God says it is not normal in His kingdom.

The scripture above shows us how to deal with stress in our lives. God’s way to overcome stress is called “trust”. Yes, it might seem very naive. Some people may say we downplay the realities of life, or even accuse us of living in denial when we make faith statements like this. Trust is not denying the reality of our present circumstances. It is asking God to deal with those realities, while we rest in His bosom. Cast your anxieties, worries, cares, and concerns over to Him. Trust is a human invitation for God to intervene in an earthly situation. If we to be peaceful, even in the midst of all that is going on,  then we must learn to trust in God. If He is our Father, then He should be able, and faithful, to bear fatherly responsibilities. There is no need for us to take up His responsibilities. Let Him be God the Father, so you can just be His a beloved child!


Ponder and mutter the scripture above. Take it into your spirit. Feed upon it. Say it to yourself again and again.


Take a moment and ask the Lord to help you deal with the stresses in your life. What is that “one thing” that is causing you the most distress today? Ask the Lord for grace to cast that burden to Him.


Train yourself to respond to God’s Word. It is your turn- cast that burden to the Lord! The evidence that you trust God is immediate peace in your heart. The stressful factor may still be there, but when you trust God, He bears the burden and you have rest!  Casting your burden on the Lord means you are trusting Him to make a way out.  If you trust Him, let Him bear the weight of the responsibility. Respond to the Word today by taking a step to trust the Lord.

Recommended Read: Do not worry about anything

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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