The Glory Shield in His Presence
And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud went from before them and stood behind them (Exod. 14:19 NKJ).
The Presence of the Lord served as a shield to protect His people from the enemy. This is seen in the scripture above where the Angel of God in the pillar of fire moved and stood between the Israelites and the Egyptians to protect and shield them. This wall of protection is the Glory Shield that protects God’s people.
This shield was present with Adam and Eve in the Garden. This was the invisible spiritual barrier of God’s glory around them that kept them from being hurt by anything in the environment. Do you think that before the fall, a tree could have potentially fallen on Adam by chance and hurt him? No, that would have never happened. Man was surrounded by the glory of God which protected and shielded him from every sort of harm.
The glory of God in His Presence is a shield to those who are planted in the House of the Lord. This is an added practical reason for cultivating the presence of God in your own life. It will protect and shield you. You might not even be aware of all the potential dangers or plots to hurt you because the glory is shielding you behind the scenes. Praise the Lord for His glory and presence that shields us in this hostile world.
Why is that we can be hurt by nature or the things around us today? See Rom. 3:8. Can you expect and believe this shield, now that you have been re-clothed with God’s glory in Christ?
The reason why there is no fear in His presence is because of the glory shield. Be aware of this shield around you today.
Thank the Lord for His glory shield. Ask Him to help you grow in your knowledge and faith of His glory at work in you.
Recommended Read: Where is the Pillar of fire and of cloud located today?
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