Easter Every Day

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you (Rom. 8:11 KJV)

Easter every day showing two women at the empty tomb

As a Christian feast, Easter is celebrated once a year. However, the message of Easter must be at work in our lives every single day. That means Easter is not a seasonable feast but an ongoing experience! The scripture above teaches us that the power of the Holy Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead that resurrection morning is at work in the life of the believer every single day. Just as Christianity ceases to exist without the resurrection of Jesus( 1 Cor. 15:14), Christianity loses its life and becomes a mere empty religion without the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our daily Christian lives and ministry are both powered by the Holy Spirit. Until that resurrection power is at work in us every single day, we will continue to struggle to make things work. This daily struggle is sadly the plight of many of God’s precious children. They are trying to make Christianity work, and that is precisely where the problem is—they are trying to. The day we cease trying to and learn to connect with that power every single day, Easter shall become a daily experience and a new life, abundant life that we will enjoy until it overflows! This is God’s desire for you.


If the Holy Spirit crushed death and brought life to Jesus’ body, what do you think He can do with disease?


Be conscious of the power that resides inside of you. You are a believer, a new creature, filled with the Holy Spirit. Walk by the Spirit every single day for that is where your victory in life comes from.


Ask the Lord to make Easter a daily experience in your life. If Christianity is a daily struggle for you, please ask the Lord to bring you to an understanding of His ability that is at work inside of you.

Recommended Read: Make His Death Count

Foundational Read: What is a Daily Devotional?

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