What is my destiny in life?

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations (Jer. 1:5 KJV)

What is my destiny? showing a question mark and a man in front of it

The question “what is my destiny in life?” is certainly an important one for every human to deeply consider. Destiny and purpose in life are certainly powerful drivers for a life lived with meaning and impact. The primary reason why many are still struggling with their destiny is that they do not know who they are to begin with. Destiny begins with identity. It is sad how many out there are still searching and looking up to the stars or some strange philosophy to tell them who they are. There is no true rest for any human soul outside of Christ. They keep searching and continue searching.

As a believer, your identity in Christ is secure. You know who you are. You are a child of God. Your identity is in God, so is your destiny and purpose in life. The scripture above gives us an amazing revelation. The Lord told Jeremiah that before He was ever conceived in the womb, before His grandparents were ever born, something was already written about him!

Destiny is the path God has designed for you, which goes far before you were ever born. Your ultimate destiny and purpose in life are not to meet some need in the world. You were created in Christ to be a reflection of God’s glory on the earth. The Prophet Isaiah says “ for I have created him for my glory” (Isa. 43:7 KJV). God wants to dwell and live through you to express all His beauties and excellencies!


Please mutter the words of Jeremiah 1:5 above 2 to 3 times as you allow those words to sink into your spirit


Your destiny hub is Christ. Once you discover who you were in Christ and what He wants to do with your life, you will then suddenly see your job, family, business, etc form a different perspective.


Ask the Lord to help you fulfill everything that He has designed for your life by His Spirit.

Recommended Read: Who Am I?

Foundational Read: What is a Daily Devotional?

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