You Will Keep Him in Perfect Peace

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. (Isaiah 26:3, ESV)

God, our Jehovah Shalom, imparts peace. This peace isn’t just a gift—it’s a state nurtured by continuously focusing our minds on Him. As Christians, we often endure trials that test our resolve, but by keeping our minds anchored in God’s Word, we maintain our peace in this world full of troubles.

Prophesying millennia ago, Isaiah promised God’s peace to those who anchor their minds on Him. His prophecy explicitly connects the thoughts we entertain and our inner peace.  

The New Testament further develops this deep connection between our thoughts and peace. Philippians 4:6-8 urges us not to worry but instead pray and make our requests known to God. Paul then directs us toward the kinds of thoughts that lead to peace. He reiterates this in Romans 8:6:

“For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6, ESV)

So the mind that is stayed on God, the spiritual mind, produces life and peace. In contrast, the mind that is stayed on the things of this world and our troubles will produce death—depression, anxiety, fear, etc.

What does keeping our minds “stayed” on God mean? In Hebrew, “stayed” means steadfastness or firm purpose, suggesting trust or reliance. Beyond faith, we can also anchor our minds on God by choosing what we deliberately think about, following Paul’s counsel in Philippians 4:8. In this verse, Paul urges the Philippians to think about what is true, honorable, pure, etc. ( God and His Word).

Our thoughts and trust choices shape our heart’s peace. For instance, dwelling on someone’s wrongdoings will almost certainly erode our peace and potentially lead to bitterness. 

Keep your mind anchored in God.


Reflect on what “stayed” means and how it can shape your daily walk with God.

Apply the Word

Are you battling with fear or anxiety today? Identify the source by scrutinizing what you are thinking about. Keep your mind stayed on God to invite His peace to protect your hearts and minds.


Ask the Spirit to help you keep your mind stayed on Him.

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