Make His death count

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. (Isa. 53:5 NIV)

Jesus had to suffer and bear the sins of the whole world, whether now saved or not. He died in our place, as us. When He was on that cross, the grief, and agony He bore were for what we, and all of humanity past and future, have done wrong before God. He died as a Lamb, without complaining or trying to prove His innocence yet with the strength and power of a lion able to crush all those who were accusing Him. He kept quiet because if He had spoken, you and I would have been lost for all eternity. He saw you and me becoming free from the bondage of sin and that was His joy.

As a believer, we are obligated by virtue of the very priceless nature of His sacrifice to make sure it is not in vain. He did not suffer for Himself, but for us. And He suffered so we can come out of the bondage of sin and enjoy the life of God. One of the major ways to personally show appreciation for what Christ did, besides telling the unsaved,  is to appropriate what He suffered for. If He paid for it, then He will take delight to see us enjoy its benefits. Do not attempt to duplicate His work. Do not attempt to pay the price for your sins with God. Do not try to earn God’s approval. In fact, do not let sin, disease, Satan, and issues of this world make you a slave. This is the very reason He died, that you should be free to live unto God. Jesus wants to see us have His life and have it abundantly( Jn 10:10). The first verse of the Isaiah 53 above says “ who hath believed our report? And to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?”. You see, the major issue of the believer today is to know and believe what Jesus did on the cross. The price is paid. Glorify Christ by making His death count in your life.


The Word in your mind and mouth (1 Tim 4:15; Josh 1: 8)

Think deeply about the love of God in sending His Son to die for you. Christ suffered, not for Himself, but for us. When the nails went through His hands, it was for what you did. And those wounds caused His body sickness so you might be healed.


Water the Seed (word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! (Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)

In this season of Easter, tell Jesus “thank you” for accepting to go to the cross for us. Forgiveness for our sins is so cheap today, but the payment was horrible. Ask the Spirit to open your eyes to know and soften your heart to truly believe what Christ has done.


Your door to a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! (James 1:22-26)

Spend the day in appreciation of what Christ has done for you. Is there something in your life Christ paid for which you seem to be paying for again today? Then aggressively search the Word to KNOW what He did and apply your heart in FAITH to receive what He did for you.


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