Come Up Hither

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither… (Rev. 4:1 KJV)

come up hither

After the message to the seven churches was given to the Apostle John, the Lord showed him an open door in heaven and commanded him to “come up hither.” He was called to come into heaven through the open door that he saw.

The second verse gives us an immediate response to this command: “And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven..” (Rev. 4:2 KJV)

John was called from the realms of earthly life into the realms of the heavenly life. And the Lord is giving this same call to believers today. It is not a call to be converted and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is a call for believers to step up through the open door that is already set before them into the realms of the spirit and begin to relate with the Father in heaven.

The ruin of the church is the flesh, operating in the realms of the earth. Many are saved, and filled with the Holy Spirit, but are living what I call “natural Christianity.” They are living a purely natural life, like any other unsaved human being, when they actually carry a divine life and have an open door into heaven. God is saying to you today “come up hither” through the door that is already set open before you.


Ponder upon the meaning of the call to “come up hither.” Declare that “I am stepping into the realms of higher fellowship with God through the open door set before me.”


Is your Christian experience an earthly or a heavenly experience? Are you having an experience of heaven and of God’s presence? If not, then God is calling you to come up hither today.


Thank Jesus for the open door before you. Ask the Spirit to help you step into a higher fellowship with God from today onwards.

Recommended Read: Cultivating intimacy with God day by day

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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  1. Praise the Lord! So encouraged to find someone on the earth speaking about this! He definitely is inviting us to come up hither out of the earthly realm into the heavenly. We can follow him to where he is by sanctification, and knowing him. Why else would he have us to pray Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven? Come out of her my people is another clue to where he wants us to come out of and go to. He’s taking us out of Babylon into the promised land! Amen. Babylon represents the earthly realm of Satan’s kingdom. Thank God I found you! It’s been a long search for someone who sees and hears and knows that in heaven is where the Lord wants us, and we don’t have to be physically dead to get there, but we do have to put the self to death to get there. We must empty ourselves of ourselves and be filled with the spirit and live to glorify the Lord and become a servant of Jesus Christ in humility. He’s given us the keys to the kingdom to unlock the door. He is the door, and very near to us on the other side of it or to come in and make his abode with us so that we may be where he is! Hallelujah! Have a blessed day! 🙏💗

  2. Thanks for the exposition. I found it really helpful for my study. I’ve actually been searching for a suitable interpretation/ explanation of the statement “come up hither”

  3. Good morning,
    Just wanted to leave a thank you, while I was in prayer I could hear the Holy Spirit say raise your “tower of Intercession now”!
    The words come up hither came through from the intercession, leading me to located the scriptures that carried this reference. Don’t know the birthing date of this ministry is, I want to come back to say Thank you for your obedience.
    Rosemary Davis

    1. Dear Rosemary, thank you for taking the time to write those very encouraging words. I am pleased to know the Lord used the words of that devotional to bless you this morning. May the Lord continue to perfect the good work He is doing in you. Patrick

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