Come now, and Let Us Reason Together

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isa. 1:18 KJV)

The LORD Himself made the statement above. He invites backslidden Israel to have an honest conversation with Him. He asked  Israel to come and reason together with Him. One reason that the nation of Israel was not so keen on attending this meeting with the Council of heaven is that their sins were before them. But the LORD made provisions for them and said: “ though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool”!

Our God is a God of another chance. He is a God of reconciliation. Contrary to what many people think, the LORD does not delight in judging people for their sins. He does not delight in seeing millions of people dying in their sins and entering hell in droves. Sin must be judged and condemned. If God does not do it, His integrity is at stake, and He will cease to be God as we know Him. However, His delight is in showing mercy and grace to forgive our sins and restore our relationship with Him.

Sin is notorious for making men and women run away from God. It started from the Garden of Eden and continued until today. Sin wants its victims to be away from the solution. It tries to keep sinners far from God. It seeks to make them cover up their sin while it kills them in silence and isolation. Please do not succumb to any of these manipulations of sin. Running from God when we sin is  running into the arms of death. Hiding our sin is giving death a knife to kill us in our isolation. The LORD is saying to us. Sin is sin, but all you have to do is COME to Him. Don’t run or hide. He is not after our sin but after us. Even as believers, covering our sins is looking for trouble. His arms are always open with the words “ come now.”


Why would sin convince us to stay away from God?


Are you running away from  God, as Adam did? Well, He found you! Here you are reading this devotional! He is inviting you to “come now.” If forgiveness of sin is what you need, you will never find peace until you receive that forgiveness. Why continue in torture? The LORD’s delight is not in judging our sins but in forgiving and bringing us to Himself. So do not run, but come now!


Why don’t you thank the LORD for His wonderful grace? He never gives up on us, no matter what has happened. it is only after death that there is no more repentance and forgiveness. 

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