Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God  (Matt. 5:8 KJV)

Blessed are the pure in heart showing a diagram of a line tracing the heart

The pure in heart are blessed because they will see God. But what do the words “pure in heart” and “see God” mean to me today? Please note the Lord speaks explicitly of the heart. The believer’s heart today is the dwelling place of God. Our body is His Temple, and our heart(spirit) is His throne which was symbolized by the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies.

When we believe in Christ, there is cleansing or purifying of our hearts(spirit). The Apostle Peter says  “and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith” (Acts 15:9 KJV). God purified the hearts of His children by faith in Christ. This first cleansing is what makes it possible for God to come and dwell in the heart(spirit) of the believer. The believer is now in touch with God and can know and experience  Him spiritually(“see Him”).

However, God’s presence can overflow from our spirit to our soul and body to give us a practical experience of Him(seeing God). This is the life of glory! It is the fellowship of the Spirit, a daily practical experience of God’s presence. If you want to see God in this practical dimension, sin and all unrighteousness have to be out of the heart( the soul with its thoughts, desires, feelings, imaginations, etc.). In other words, your soul has to be sanctified progressively. You cannot see God practically in a heart full of bitterness, impure thoughts, envy, etc. God’s presence at every level, demands holiness. Your spirit was cleansed at salvation to receive God’s Spirit. Your soul must be sanctified if you want to see God show up in your life practically.


What does it mean to see God in the text above?


Your spirit has been cleansed. It is your responsibility to sanctify your soul with His Word through the Spirit if you want to see or experience God’s presence in your life. The state of our soul is the key to what level of God you will see personally.


Ask the Lord to help you maintain a clean heart before Him at all times.

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