Learning to be spiritually quiet

And say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; Fear not, neither be fainthearted For the two tails of these smoking firebrands, For the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, and of the son of Remaliah (Isaiah 7:4, KJV)

Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes that there is a time to speak and a time to be quiet. He was referring to outward speaking and silence. This is very important in our spiritual walk, but even more important to the LORD is spiritual quietness. Indeed, God wants our hearts always to be spiritually quiet. There is no time to be noisy inside or time dedicated to be quiet. Your heart should be quiet all the time, day in and day out! So what does it mean to be spiritually quiet? 

The verse above records an interesting story of God’s message to the King of Judah when he came under attack from two kings. The LORD sent Isaiah to say to him “ take heed, and be quiet: fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands”. He says “be quiet” and adds “fear not.” Fear and anxieties in our hearts are spiritual noises. When we are worried, it is as if we sound a bell in our hearts. You can now see that our hearts can be very noisy spiritually. In other words, the Spirit of God living  in a noisy  heart is continually being bombarded by noise everywhere!

A noisy heart makes God keep quiet. A quiet heart releases the miraculous! If you want to see God show up in your life, learn to be spiritually quiet. 


Think about the difference between spiritual and physical quietness discussed above. What happened when Israel maintained spiritual silence in  Num. 14:14?


Are you very loud in your heart? Is you always noisy inside? If you are, it will be difficult for you to know God’s practical presence and power. Learn to be spiritually quiet, from fears and anxieties. Rather let your heart flow with melody unto the LORD!


Ask the Spirit of the LORD to help you maintain a quiet heart before Him at all times. 

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