An Unusual Prophecy About the Future of the Church

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13, KJV)

The scripture above is a prophetic word today for what will happen to the Church tomorrow. The words  are describing what God is about to do or rather is already doing to the Body of Christ. 

Eph 4:13 states that the Body of Christ will come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. In essence, it means we will come to know and believe one thing about God, or  the Son of God. I want you to think about what that means, and how impossible it may now appear. It means our doctrines will be one. We will come to know and believe one thing about the Holy Spirit, the end times, faith, grace, etc. There is but one Truth, and that Truth is Jesus, the Son of the Living God. That means all our doctrinal differences today are artificial and man-made. The Spirit will bring every one of us to the Truth of the scriptures, as He brings all of us to the accurate and precise knowledge of the Son of God. If this does not seem impossible to you knowing the current state of affairs in the Body of Christ worldwide, then you probably have not fully understood what I just wrote! Nevertheless, whatever is impossible with man is possible with God!

Beloved, this is the Father’s will  that is upon us in this generation. The Spirit will bring us into the mysteries of the Word and very one of us has something to do about it. The ministers, whatever office they hold, will have to be brought into the depths of the Word and be graced with an ability to accurately and faithfully teach that Word to God’s people. Every believer has the responsibility to desire the accurate knowledge of the Word and the Son of the Living God. A sorrowful reality in the Body of Christ today is that the spiritual life of many believers is standing on very shaky ground. Many seem to be excited but are ungrounded. The Lord is calling us  to move from the euphoria of dating to the maturity and reality of a marriage relationship with Him.


What will the Lord do to stir His Church into the unity of the knowledge of the Son of God? ( John 16:13). I want you to declare the prophetic words of Eph. 4:13 out loud to yourself.


You have a part to play in this move of God that is already upon us, whether a believer in the pew or a minister on the pulpit. Jump right in!


Ask the Father to stir our hearts to keep our gaze on His Son as We grow into the fullness of Christ. 

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