He Rebuked the Winds and the Sea

And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm (Matt. 8:26 KJV)

He rebuked the winds and the waves image showing a boat in rough sea

The disciples were in peril in the sea because of a great storm and were at risk of a shipwreck, except that Jesus was in the boat. When Jesus got out of sleep, the scripture above notes that He rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm to the astonishment of the disciples.

 Jesus spoke to the winds and the sea, reproving and commanding them to be still. How does this apply to you and me today? First, notice that the sea was being stirred up by the winds. This figure is a unique description of the influence of the spirit(winds) over natural circumstances or people(sea). Winds or spirits stir up the seas of life. There are some circumstances in life which are due to spiritual influences, including demonic activities. These winds need to be rebuked if you want to see a change in the natural circumstances.

Words of authority are the rod of dominion and rule in the realm of the spirit. We can speak words that control the spirit world and then the natural world through the Spirit by faith. That is why Jesus said to them “o  ye of little faith.” Learn to speak authoritative words to the mountains of your life.


Do you think the boat could have sunk in the sea while Jesus was in there sleeping? Can you see one of Satan’s trick’s that he uses against us with great success in the majority of the cases? ( See  also Matt 14:28-31). 


There are winds in your life you must rebuke if you want to see the seas calming down. There are some things you pray for, and there are others you rebuke. Jesus did not pray to His Father to calm the seas. He rebuked the winds. That is not prayer. Learn to speak to mountains and winds as Jesus did.


Ask the Spirit of God to help you put this principle to work in your life.

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