Abiding in the Word

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you  (John 15:7, KJV)

Jesus spoke the words of John 15 above, commanding us to abide in Him and have His words abide in us. How do we abide in Jesus? First, notice He gives us the spiritual context of abiding in the same verse. The “Me” He is talking about is Jesus the Word of God. We abide in Him by abiding in His Word. What does it mean to abide in Jesus or His Word?

Glory & Grace Daily devotional for March 24th titled “Walking in the paths of life” discussed a critical truth related to our manner of lives on the earth as humans. The way we live is thought of spiritually as walking on a road.  Each time you talk, act or adopt a particular frame of mind or attitude, you put yourself on a specific path in life. Your manner of life is a road you walk on. God has put you on a road, and He commands us to walk or REMAIN on that road. For example, He has made us holy and righteous, and by so doing has put us on a road called holiness or righteousness. He now commands us to walk on that road.

Now consider the word abiding. The figure used here is not that of walking but living or dwelling somewhere. Instead of a road, we walk on, think of a house you live in. God puts you in a house and then commands you to CONTINUE to live in that house. Again, your manner of life defines a dwelling place for your life. For example, loving people is dwelling in love. 

To abide in God or in the Word means to CONTINUE or REMAIN in the “house” He has put us in.  Our actions, words, and heart attitudes define our dwelling place from a PRACTICAL viewpoint.  When we DO the Word of God, we are dwelling in the Word, just like the case of love above. You dwell in the Word by DOING the Word. Your walk, therefore, defines a dwelling place. Your being is already dwelling in God but the Lord now commands us TO REMAIN where He has put us, and we remain there by DOING His Word!

You should now understand that some people dwell in fear, sin, bitterness, etc. That means these are the things they do. Others dwell in the Word that is, love, joy, peace, forgiveness, etc. God wants you to dwell in the Word because that is the place of safety and glory for you.


Can a Christian dwell in God by faith ( his/her being) and dwell outside of God in their daily walk or works?


Do you remember how the Lord called out to Adam after the fall saying “ where are you?” Adam had changed dwelling places. The Lord might be asking some of us today  “where are you?”. He sees us dwelling in hurts pains, fears, sin, etc. He wants us to dwell in the Word, that is, in peace, love, joy, holiness, etc and enjoy the beauties of heaven on earth.


Ask the Lord to help you become a doer of the Word and to dwell in Him at all times.

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