What is Spiritual Light?
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light (Eph. 5:13 KJV)
Light is a frequent word we encounter in the scriptures. It is used symbolically in the Word to convey profound spiritual truths about the glory of God and His expression to His creation. Jesus says He is the Light of the world and later told us that we are the light of the world, just as He is. What is light?
Ephesians 5:13 gives us a biblical definition of spiritual light- “whatsoever doth make manifest is light.” Light is whatever becomes visible. It has to do with making that which is not visible to become apparent. In fact, the verse above did not merely say light makes things visible, but that light is that which becomes visible. The natural operation of light can also assist us with understanding this. When you look at the words of this devotional as you are reading right now, what you are really seeing is the light, not the letters of the words. It is the light from the letters which gets into your eyes and makes the letters visible.
Jesus is the visible manifestation of the invisible God. He is God manifested in the flesh for all to see. He reveals and shows us the Father in this respect. Because He now dwells in His people, He says we are also the light of the world. We are the manifestation of the invisible God to this present world to show them what God looks like! This is the reason why God says we are the glory of God on the earth—light!
Does light ever struggle with darkness in a fight? What happens to darkness once light shows up? ( John 1:5)
God has made you the light, His light. Shine! When you do, the world will see God in you, and also the darkness will be exposed. Do not be surprised when evil people reject you, because your presence reveals evil even without you saying a word! That is part of what light does! So keep shining and do not stop!
Thank the Father for making you a light and a partaker of His divine nature.
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