A reason to tell the Lord “thank You”!
Surely he hath borne our griefs, And carried our sorrows: Yet we did esteem him stricken, Smitten of God, and afflicted (Isaiah 53:4, KJV)
Jesus took our place as a sinner so that we can enjoy His place as the Beloved and righteous Son of God. The words “borne” and “carried” as well as “griefs” and “sorrows” are parallel to each other and very insightful.
What does it mean that Jesus bore or carried our griefs and sorrows? Think about someone carrying a load on their head that is heavy and causing them significant distress. To “bear a burden” or carry a load figuratively means to come under the punishment or condemnation of what we have done. For example, the wages of sin is death. When Adam died, eternally, spiritually, and physically, he was simply bearing the punishment for his sin. He carried the weight of the burden of sins.
Jesus did not sin. He saw us carrying the heavy load of sin, suffering under its punishment, and condemnation. Humanity has carried this heavy burden of sin since the fall. When Jesus saw us carrying the load, He took it from us and then carried it Himself. He bore our griefs and sorrows, meaning He came under the full weight, suffering, punishment, and condemnation that comes with our sins. He was our burden-Bearer.
I want you to note the words I used here “take” and “carry”. For Jesus to carry the load, He had to take it first from us. If He took it, it means we are no longer carrying it! That load represents our sins. That load represents our diseases. I have just given to you the most important revelation to appropriating your healing. You are not healed merely because God is a Healer. You are healed today because the Son of God Himself took that disease from you, carried it to the cross and crucified it there! See your sins, diseases, poverty, fears, depression, etc on the cross on Him, and you will be free. Look and live!
Our Saviour has come. He has taken our burdens and bore the full weight Himself. We are free: free to live for God and free to enjoy eternal life until it overflows! Thank you, Lord Jesus!
What does “sin-bearer” mean, from what has been discussed above?
The more you know what Jesus has done for us, the more you fall in love with Him again and again. Grace provokes thanksgiving. Let your heart be always full of thanksgiving for the Lord, whether it is Thanksgiving day or not!
Lift up a prayer of thanksgiving to the Father for sending His Son to be our burden Bearer.
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