A little cloud like a man’s hand is rising from the sea!

And at the seventh time he said, “Behold, a little cloud like a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” And he said, “Go up, say to Ahab, ‘Prepare your chariot and go down, lest the rain stop you’ (1 Kings 18:44 ESV)

Clouds full of rain

Elijah prayed for rain after three and a half years of famine in Israel. He was with his servant on the mountain. He would pray and then send his servant to see if there are any clouds indicative of rain. His servant would come back and say there is nothing. He did that seven times, and on the 7th time, the servant came back and said he saw a little cloud like a man’s hand rising from the sea!

The servant was probably not moved by the little cloud. However, not Elijah! As soon as Elijah heard there was a cloud, he knew God had answered the prayer, and the miracle had started! I have come to learn from scriptures, from fathers in the faith, and my own experience that God often begins big moves in our lives with tiny changes. If we fail to recognize and respond to the little signs that indicate the supernatural, we risk forfeiting our miracles.

Look back at this year, 2020. Yes, that big miracle you were expecting did not occur. But is there a little cloud like a man’s hand that indicated something supernatural had started? Can you pinpoint something small that God had started? That is all you need! See it, recognize it, and run with it!


Why are we often predisposed to despise small beginnings? Is there a little beginning in your life this year that you probably ignored?


Please pay attention to this devotional as it reveals a simple but profound spiritual truth in your walk with God. Learn to recognize the little beginnings of the Spirit’s move in your life and commit yourself fully to it. It may be in your spiritual life, relationships, finances, family, etc.


Think of a little cloud in your life this year and start thanking the Lord for it right now. 

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