A Cloud of Witnesses

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us  (Hebrews 12:1, KJV)

Heb. 12:1 above follows Heb. 11 which is known as the honor roll of faith. After carefully narrating for us the exploits that men and woman did with God through faith, the Spirit now tells us in the verse above that these men and women of faith are a cloud of witnesses for us. The keyword to consider is “witnesses”.

A witness is someone who brings a piece of evidence to substantiate or corroborate a stated fact. This heavenly cloud of witnesses,   and their stories are a testimony and proof to us that faith works. These were men and women who changed physical circumstances based on what is unseen. The Lord has preserved their story to encourage us to press further with our faith and expect similar results.

Faith is not mythical or imagery. It is real. There is an unseen world, with a God who speaks and rules the universe by His Word. Whoever has this Word( invisible) will rule over the visible. You can see the invisible as these heroes of faith did, and live by the unseen to obtain supernatural results as they did. He went further to exhort us not to allow obstacles that hinder our faith because it is the most potent force on earth when it is strong and mature!


Does faith still work today as it did in the days of these heroes? What do you think Abraham will tell you if you met him in person regarding the results of faith?


People have had glorious results by faith. The key function of those witnesses is to tell you and me that faith works and that we can also get results just as they did. Do not let any weight( something that just hinders you though it might not be outright sinful) or sin hinder you. When your faith matures, it will be the most valuable thing you have to reign in life!


Thank the Lord for the beautiful gift of faith. 

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