Your Mouth, Your Life

He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction. (Prov. 13:3 KJV)

your mouth

Did you notice what the first part of our text above says? Your life and your mouth are connected! If you watch your mouth, you are watching your very life.

You are not ready to operate with God and have victory in the realm of the spirit until the power of words becomes a personal revelation to you. The very nature of God (the Word) and the power of His words are indications to us of the power of words in the realm of the spirit. Words have a direct impact on the realm of the spirit.

Yes, words can mar or make things in the natural world, but this is nothing compared to their effect in the spiritual world. Words rule in the realm of the spirit. Your human spirit, angels (Ps. 103:20), demons, and nature respond to words because words are much more than natural sound waves, instead they carry spiritual energy!

The direct lesson from our text above is that you should watch what you say. This is not just an issue of “positive speaking” or of being positive in life. Your words are triggering spiritual energy, and you must be fully aware of that. This does not have to make complete sense to your mind. By the way does the fact that God created the world by speaking make sense to your mind? Be cautious about your mouth because your life will follow what you say.


Part of meditation is muttering or speaking God’s Word under your breath. It is not just thinking, but speaking, for the same reasons mentioned above. Meditate on the Scripture above by muttering it repeatedly (Jos. 1:8).


There are no jokes, common slangs, sarcasm, etc. in the spirit. Watch what comes out of your mouth. Also, start speaking the blessings of God’s Word over your life.


Ask the Spirit to help you put a guard over your mouth and begin to use it to positively impact your life!

Recommended Read: Choose to speak life

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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