Choose to speak life
The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. (Prov. 18:21 NLT)
Life on earth is powered by the realm of the spirit. Getting a hold of this truth is crucial for every believer. There is a realm of the spirit, where God dwells. Our enemies also dwell in this realm. The earth is a display ground for the unseen realities of the spirit. This is where the power of words comes in. Words have a double nature. They have a physical component that we hear as sound waves, with a spiritual component which we do not see. Your words trigger a motion in the realm of the spirit, either bringing to yourself death or life.
Notice the two parts of this the consequences of our words in this verse- death or life. You should not only refrain from speaking death to yourself and your circumstances but should learn to speak life. That means do not seal your mouth because you are afraid you might say the wrong things. Rather, learn to talk! Learn to confess God’s Word. Speak it out loud to yourself and your circumstances. Each time you do, you are shaping the realm of the spirit that controls your life and therefore producing the results you want to see. Your words give reality and existence to the things you have believed. If you want to see it, learn to speak it forth. That is the spirit of faith (2 Cor 4:13).
Sometimes, we might be tempted to think the power of words is getting overemphasized. God has repeatedly warned us and shown us in His Word the importance of our words. Not believing this is simply not believing the Word. It might not be appealing to you. God’s ways have never been our ways. His Word does not need to be appealing to us before we do it. Learn to speak life. Learn to speak His Word. Watch what you say, for it creates the spiritual atmosphere of what will happen in your life.
NLT: New Living Translation.
The Word in your mind and mouth (1 Tim 4:15; Josh 1: 8)
Think and mutter the verse above. Your words can cause things in your life to either live or die!
Water the Seed (word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! (Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)
Ask the Lord for the understanding to know the power of words in your life.
Your door to a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! (James 1:22-26)
Choose not to say how you feel today, but rather what God says about that situation. When you feel afraid, condition your heart and mind by speaking God’s Word.
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