You Were Washed

“And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Cor. 6:11 NKJ.)

The Apostle Paul was addressing the Corinthian Christians in the verse above. He begins by saying “and such were some of you.” He was drawing their attention to their sinful state before they were born again. He said “such were some of you.” He did not say “such are some of you.” This indicates the complete makeover that occurs when we are born again.

He continues to say, “but you were washed.” The sinner needs a thorough spiritual bath to clean off the filth of sin. God thoroughly washes us when we accept Christ, to the extent that Paul could say above that, “such were some of you.” They were sinners by nature, but no longer. You have been washed in Christ.

Jesus then says, in John 13:10, that “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.” God has already thoroughly bathed us, and this bath is not repeated. However, as we live in this world, we continue to fail and commit sin here and there. When we sin, His blood is still available to cleanse that sin as we ask for forgiveness — but that is only the washing of our feet. We no longer need a thorough spiritual bath.You have been washed. You have been sanctified. Let this sense of God’s purity and holiness fill your soul, and it will cause you to lead a holy outward life. It feels good to be clean inside.


What is the importance of the past tense used for the verb “to wash” for you?


There is no joy with the sense of feeling dirty inside. As a Christian, believe in what God has done and start rejoicing because you were washed already.


Thank God for the bath He gave you when you accepted Christ.

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