I Bring Near My Righteousness

I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory (Isa. 46:13 KJV)

Righteousness is a precious gift we have in Christ. It took a completely different turn in the New Testament when the focus suddenly shifted from human righteousness to God’s righteousness. The Apostle Paul says  “But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets” (Rom. 3:21 KJV). He calls it the righteousness of God without the law. Righteousness usually comes by doing right, according to the rules and laws. However, the righteousness of God is without the law, meaning it does not come from DOING RIGHT ACCORDING TO THE LAW.

The Apostle went further to say this righteousness was witnessed by the law and the prophets. Well, we read Isaiah’s prophecy above in which the LORD Himself said: “ I bring near my righteousness.” But what is His righteousness? First, we must acknowledge God has imparted His very nature to us in Christ. This is the righteousness that is innate to our very BEING. The second aspect is that God sees us justified, in right STANDING in His sight. That is, He does not see anything sinful or wrong with us! The final aspect of His righteousness is that it is a righteousness that was worked out by God Himself. It is His doing! You are the work of His hands in Christ! His righteousness will produce righteous LIVING which is the ultimate display of His work. The KEY to righteous LIVING is a REVELATION OF HIS righteousness and  FAITH   in what He did. That is until you have come to fully accept and believe that you were made righteous by Christ even before you ever did anything, the power to produce a righteous outward live will be missing. His righteousness is here. Receive and display it! 


What happens when we fail to recognize God’s righteousness and try to produce our own righteousness? ( Rom. 10:3, Isa. 64:6).


What is your revelation of the righteousness of God? Do you believe it? Or are you trying to live right before God to gain righteousness for yourself? God does not want you to produce any righteousness in your name. He wants you to EXPRESS His righteousness through a holy and righteous outward life. Be a visible DISPLAY of the righteousness of the INVISIBLE God!


Thank the Lord for the wonderful gift of righteousness in Christ.  

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