Who is the Greatest in the kingdom?

At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?(Matthew 18:1 KJV)

If the disciples asked you the question, “who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” what would be your answer?

As the scriptures plainly say, God’s ways are not ours. The things we value and prioritize are not the things God values. If you go to a typical Church today and ask the believers who is the greatest in that congregation, the typical Christian will think about the one who is often on the pulpit, manifests the gifts of the Spirit, etc. And if peradventure it is a Pentecostal Church, we will immediately point to the one who speaks in power tongues, casts out demons, prophesies, or readily manifests God’s power. 

Though these things are important and have their place, God sees greatness differently. To God, the one who is humble like a child and serves others is the greatest in the kingdom (Matthew 18:3-4). I am certainly as surprised as you probably are. This is partly why the first shall be last, and the last shall be first, because what people hail and put as number one is often not what God puts on top of His list.

What is your greatness status in the kingdom of God? Are you humble and serving people with the gifts and abilities God has given you? Remember this: in human kingdoms, servants are the least esteemed, but in God’s kingdom, servants are the greatest. 

Who wants to be great in God’s kingdom? Do not seek people to serve you, but seek to serve others.


Who was the greatest prophet in the Old Testament? Compare your answer to Jesus’s answer in Matthew 11:11, and note the differences!

Apply the Word

The path to greatness in the kingdom is open to all—humility and service. Resolve to be great in God’s eyes.


Ask the Spirit to help you seek greatness with God, not men.

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