God’s path to become great

“It is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, (Matt. 20:26 NAS)

You can set the stage for today to become great on the earth. As with everything else, God’s  ways to move to the top is clearly not our ways. In fact, you might not even like His ways but it is the way that will work. In the world, great men are served. In God’s world, great men serve others.

The scripture above teaches us a very fundamental and critical element of God’s kingdom. “whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant”.  First, notice that greatness is a choice-“whoever wishes”. If you want to, God shows you the way forward-serve others. To be a servant is essentially working to meet the needs of others. Service goes with humility of heart, which is a “king virtue” in the kingdom. Learn to serve others-your friends, fellow believers, spouse, children, etc. Resist the temptation of being the type that always wants people to do things for them. Do not set yourself up for failure. This attitude will automatically disqualify you from the greatness that comes from God. Choose greatness today. Choose to be a servant.

Meditate-become a servant

Think deeply on the verse above, and see how paradoxical it is yet it is God’s path to greatness. Those who have a servant heart rise to the top even in secular corporations. Do you have a servant’s heart?


Ask the Father to sincerely give you the heart of a servant.


Start serving! Is there something you can do in your church, job, home or even neighborhood?  Go ahead and start doing it. If your life is not making a difference in other people, then you are not yet living. The core of service is meeting the needs of others. As you meet needs, you expand.

Recommended Read: The Remission of Sins

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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