Good Stewards of the Manifold Grace of God
As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10 KJV)

God has appointed us as administrators of His grace. What does Peter imply by “good steward of the manifold grace of God”?
Understanding this verse requires clarity about the term ‘grace’. As I’ve discussed before, grace in the New Testament has different meanings depending on the context. Here, it’s not just God’s unmerited favor but His power manifested in His people through spiritual gifts. Peter’s use of the word grace (Greek “charis”) aligns with spiritual gifts (“charismata”) he refers to as “every man hath received the gift”.
He further elucidates that God’s grace is manifold or multifaceted. God imparts different spiritual abilities to His people to meet our manifold needs on earth. We witness various spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12. Despite the diversity, the core principle remains: the Spirit empowers believers to aid others. Spiritual gifts are divine enablements given to one believer to help others ( 1 Corinthians 12:7).
God calls us to be diligent stewards of these gifts. Peter’s phrase, “as every man hath received the gift”, suggests every believer has a gift. Some might not preach, lead worship, or prophesy but could excel in showing kindness (Romans 12:8) or even hospitality and giving( Romans 12:7-8). Do not minimize what God has given you.
Here, a steward is entrusted with God’s gift and its proper use. For instance, God has entrusted me with the teaching gift, giving me wisdom to know His Word and will. It is His wisdom, not mine—it is a gift, charisma. And He has given me clear instructions on what He wants me to do with His gift—build or strengthen His people. He’ll ask me to explain how I used His gift one day. Recall the parable of the Talents in Matthew 25: 14-30.
Recognize yourself as a steward of God’s grace. Use His gifts to meet the needs of others p as God wants, reflecting His rich kindness in Christ. Embrace your role as a caretaker of God’s grace.
Reflect on 1 Peter 4:10. Consider its relevance in your life.
Apply the Word
Are you stewarding God’s gift rightfully? Neglecting God’s gift is as detrimental as misusing it (Matthew 25:24-30, 2 Peter 2:3). Be an ambassador of grace, allowing others to experience God’s favor in Christ through your gifts.
Ask the Spirit to help you rightly manage God’s gift.
- Be A Good Minister Of Grace
- What Is Ministry?
- God’s Idea of the “FiveFold” Ministry
- Who is a Minister?
- Ministry and Ministers in the New Testament
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals
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