What it Takes to Enjoy the Presence of God Constantly 

Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias (Matthew 17:4, KJV)

The Holy Spirit  is the presence of God in us. These are now  realities of the spirit. However, the person that lives here on earth is the soul. This devotional is too short for me to get into any details about this. However, the Lord wants you to live daily  in His presence just as your spirit is already in that presence. It is the best place to be in. On the mountain of transfiguration, when the presence filled the environment, Peter was so overwhelmed He told Jesus they should remain on the mountain and not go down! Yes, we can always be on that mountain of God’s presence! But what does it take?

There are two key requisites for EXPERIENCING and LIVING in the presence of God. They are a habit of fellowshipping constantly with God and a life of holiness. Fellowshipping with God means learning how to commune with God constantly, including the specific case of prayer. I have written a number of devotionals on the 24/7 habit of fellowshipping with God that you can  find on our site. You will never know the constancy of God’s presence without a consistent life of spending quality time with God in prayer.

A life of holiness is critical. And do not mistake the presence of God and the power of God. God’s power can manifest in spiritual gifts such as miracles or words of knowledge, even if the minister is living in sin. His presence will not. Be hungry for His presence, and of course for His power to be manifest in your life. There is a price for God’s tangible presence. It is not a one million-dollar tithe or seed. It is time with God and a life of holiness. It is not too hard for us. Would you pay that price and give this generation a life full of the manifest presence and power of God?


Why is it that God’s presence can dwell in the spirit of a born again Christian? ( 1 Cor. 6:11). Then think about why His presence cannot fill every believer’s soul here and now?


Are you hungry for God’s presence? There are few things more miserable in Christianity than a Christian life or church service that is full of activity but empty of God’s presence and power. I say this out of experience. Do not live another day in spiritual dryness. Do not be content with another service that is just full of noise but empty of the presence. Pay the price. Spend time with the Lord and give Him a holy practical life to fill.


Ask the Lord to make you willing and able to pay the price and be a visible manifestation of  His  presence to this dying generation. 

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