The Glory of God is Here!

Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow (1 Pet. 1:11 KJV)

The glory that should follow showing fire in the dark

The LORD revealed to the prophets of Old such as Isaiah that a generation is coming that will experience the glory of God like no generation of humans have ever seen. The scripture says the prophets eagerly searched in the Spirit to know more about this coming glory, but the LORD said to them that the glory was not meant for their days ( 1 Pet. 1:12). The Spirit of God was witnessing to them that Christ will first have to suffer and then the glory will follow! Behold, we are in the days of this glory on this present earth!

The glory of God here, in brief, is the visible manifestations of the invisible God in and through His people. It is God’s presence in expression in us. God is currently on the earth, and He will display His excellencies and virtues through us. People will see God on the earth, not as God that came from heaven but God in His people. That is, they will see God in you. Think about that! They will see His power, wisdom, and love demonstrated through you as you! This glory is not some supernatural fire or light that will be seen on the earth.It is in you and me and will be expressed through us as us! Those around you will feel His presence when you show up. They will hear His wisdom when you talk. You are the visible manifestation of the invisible God! This is the glory. These are the best days so far to be a Christian.Arise, shine!


Did you understand the meaning of the glory of God brought by God’s grace to us? Please ensure you catch a revelation of this essential biblical truth.


There is no need to be discouraged now because your best days are here, and still to come! If only you could see spiritually, then you will realize that you are glowing with light! Be encouraged. Keep pressing forward. These are the days of His glory on this present earth.


Thank the LORD for calling you into His glory through the grace of Jesus Christ.

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