What is the leadership of the Holy Spirit?
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:14 KJV)

The Christian is born of the Spirit and, by God’s design, is created to be led by His Spirit. This leadership of the Spirit is the distinctive characteristic of the sons of God—the mature children. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for every Christian to fully understand what it means to be led by the Spirit.
Before proceeding, let’s address two common misconceptions about this biblical truth. First, the scripture above does not say that those who are led by the Spirit are ministers only. The leadership of the Spirit is not a characteristic of ministry but of our nature as sons of God. Second, being led by the Spirit does not mean you will hear an audible voice every day directing your actions.
The term “led” implies that the Spirit goes ahead, and we follow. He is the leader, and we are followers. But how does He lead? Jesus summarizes it well:
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” (John 10:27, KJV)
Jesus leads His sheep by His Spirit, and this verse is a description of the leading of the Spirit. We hear His voice and follow Him. The term “voice” here encompasses every way His words and instructions come to us: the Bible, dreams, prophecy, teachings, in our hearts, and even an audible voice when He chooses to. But in all these, His written Word is His primary tool to guide us. The Spirit wants you to hear His voice, discern it, and follow it. For instance, you may have an urge to do something, but remember the scriptures forbid it, and you surrender to obey it.
Besides how He leads us, it is crucial to understand the sphere in which He leads us. The Spirit primarily leads us in our personal lives, our character, and behavior, and in everything we do. He guides our thoughts, feelings, desires, actions, and words. He wants to influence the way we feel, think, decide, and ultimately how we live. For example, if you allow Him to lead your feelings, you will be joyful instead of sad or depressed. If He leads your mind, you will have wisdom, clarity of thought, and peace. If He leads your actions, you will refrain from sinful deeds.
Finally, there are distinctive characteristics in a person’s life and ministry when they are led by the Spirit. The Bible calls these characteristics the fruit of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, etc. This is powerful. God has given us clues to know if someone is led by the Spirit or not.
The Spirit wants to lead us into realms of glory. He desires one thing from us—we should follow, discern His voice, and surrender our will to Him.
When was the last time you discerned that the Spirit led you? What was the fruit that resulted from His leadership?
Apply the Word
The beginning of the leadership of the Spirit is learning to know Him and discern His voice as noted above. Then, as you “hear His voice,” “harden not your heart,” but obey and follow. If you do, your life, family, ministry, businesses, neighborhood, etc., will be full of the glory of God!
Ask the Spirit to help you be a good follower of His leading.
Recommended Read
- As Many As Are Led By The Spirit Of God
- Move From Living To Walking In The Spirit
- Learning to Follow
- How To Yield To The Holy Spirit
- I Only Do What I See The Father Doing
- View All Deshen Daily Devotionals Including Today’s Devotional.