What is Koinonia?
God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Cor. 1:9 NKJ)

The word “koinonia” is the Greek word translated “fellowship” in 1 Cor. 1:9 above. It generally refers to “the act of sharing in an intimate association or group .” As such, it could be used to refer to the unique relationship within marriage or the Christian congregation. But there is more about koinonia than our relationship with each other in different settings.
Paul says God has called us into His Son’s koinonia(fellowship). Herein lies the mystery of the koinonia in the New Testament, and herein lies the secret of what grace is! What is this fellowship of the Son of God?
The fellowship of the Son of God is more than merely enjoying His presence and talking with Him. Beyond togetherness and communication, Heb. 2:14 gives us a staggering insight into the depths of our koinonia of the Son of God. Rather than explaining our koinonia of the Son of God, it begins by using koinonia as it means to us:
“Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same . . .” (Heb. 2:14 NKJ)
It says we are partakers( koinonia) of flesh and blood. Can you see the astonishing depth of the meaning of this word? We are all human beings, and we partake(koinonia) the human nature by being human beings—that is the best way to share how it feels to be a human being.
It goes further and says Jesus “likewise shared the same.” He also shared or partook of the same human nature. When Jesus became a human being, He then knew experientially what it means to be human. This intimate and complete knowledge of a thing or someone is the essence of what koinonia is. And if you then bring that over to the truth that God has called us into the koinonia of the Son of God, then our hearts tinkle at the extravagant display of divine kindness to us!
The koinonia of the Son of God is God bringing us to partake of the divine nature of the Son just as thoroughly as He brought His Son to partake of human nature.
You have been called into the fellowship of the Son of God, hallelujah!!
Please take a moment to ponder and mutter 1 Cor. 1:9 and Heb. 2:14 above.
The world is yet to see the full manifestations of God’s Sons(mature Christ-like Christians)! Keep growing into the fullness of your fellowship of the Son of God.
Thank the Father for His extraordinary grace in calling us into this fellowship.
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Grace is fellowship with Jesus
Building intimacy with the Holy Spirit through fellowship
Practical Fellowship with God’s Presence
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