The Destination of Grace
“I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So the life I now live in the body, I live because of the faithfulness of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20 NET).
The purpose of grace is to bring us into the glory of God. And this glory begins here and now! The glory of God is the expression of God’s grace in our lives. Imagine that grace is a lightbulb in your house. The glory of God is the light that shines forth from that bulb! This is the function of grace—to cause God’s virtues, beauties, and excellencies to shine forth not only through you, but as you! That means God will be seen on the earth living in you, as you. When you speak, they will hear His voice!
The glory of God in your life today is not some physical cloud or fire as it was in the days of the shadow of the law. It is not limited to the Spirit moving in a meeting and people falling under the anointing. It is much more than that! Shekinah of the Old Testament now dwells inside of you! Christ, the glory of God, lives in you—that is the hope of glory! The glory of God is our call to partake in the divine nature, where God now dwells in us as one with us, and lives within us as us. It is you living, but not really you—it is God, though it is you! This is the mystery in Galatians 2:20 above. The glory of God is the experience and the expression of the divine nature and life in and through you. That means when you talk, it is no longer you talking but God! And His voice carries power and wisdom! When you act, it no longer you acting, but God fully expressing Himself in you as you! You are called to show forth the excellencies of God.
How does Christ live within us? See Rom. 8:9, John 15:7.
God is not sick. God is not broken. God is not afraid, etc. Whatever He is not, is not permitted in your life! Do you see why grace can never produce sin in a believer’s life? Because grace brings God to start living in you! When you see the glory, you know grace is at work! Be conscious of who you are today as you live!
Ask the Lord to open your eyes to fully understand what God really wants to do with your life.
Recommended Read: How to receive grace
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