What is Christianity?
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Gal. 2:20 ESV).
The question “what is Christianity?” has different answers based on who is responding. If you ask the world to define what Christianity is, they will surely begin with a phrase similar to “it is a religion that….” The world sees Christianity as a religion, and there are hundreds of religions out there. Religion is essentially the belief worship of a supernatural being.Christianity is religion in the broader sense of the word but there is more. The word “Christian” occurs three times in the Bible( Acts 11:26,26:28;1 Pet. 4:16). For an excellent discussion on the name “Christian”, please see the Hermeneia commentary series(1).
However, if you ask the Lord to define Christianity, it should come as no surprise to you that He sees Christianity from an entirely different perspective. The Apostle Paul in Gal. 2:20 above gives us the definition of Christianity from God’s viewpoint. It is “Christ who lives in me,” that is Christianity is the living Christ dwelling and living in and through man. It is God at work through Christ in humanity. This is what distinguishes Christianity from mere religion.
Religion has routines by which people attempt to connect to an unknown and invisible God. These routines can be demanding but are empty, frustrating and unfulfilling. However, Christianity is the experience of the life of God. It is abundant life, given to us as a gift to enjoy until it overflows! ( John 10:10). How the life of God quenches thirsty hearts and brings rest to disquieted souls!
Why is mere religion empty and unfulfilling?
Christ dwells and lives in you as a believer. You are not an ordinary human being, but the living Christ has become one with you to express His fullness to the world through you. Be conscious of your identity.
Thank the Lord for the gift of His life through the death of His Son on the cross( John 3:16).
Recommended Read: God’s original idea of Christianity.
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