A Certain Sorcerer, a False Prophet
And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesus (Acts 13:6 KJV)

Paul and Barnabas encountered a sorcerer during their missionary journeys called Barjesus. Notice the words used to describe him: “ a certain sorcerer, a false prophet”. The words “sorcerer” and “prophet” were never meant to go together but whenever there is light, Satan will come with darkness.
Since prophecy is the thing that is “hot” right now in the kingdom, false ministers are flooding into it. If you do not prophesy, in the sense of giving someone a word of knowledge, your Church risk not being too popular these days. The desperation of many Christians is becoming alarming. Their lives are centered on looking for breakthroughs. Satan knows this and is deploying his best forces to the arena of false ministers and prophets amidst God’s true ministers and prophets.
I recently watched a TV host commenting on a Pastor somewhere in the southern part of Africa who would kiss young women to deliver them, lay hands on their breasts and son on the thighs of women who are older. I watched the video and heard some Christians around him saying “thank you, Jesus.” Sometimes I am tempted to think some Christians have lost their spiritual minds. The Lord once told me not to think or say this because many believers are not mature and are like sheep that cannot discern right from wrong which is the reason why the Word has to be taught aggressively.
Brethren, Satan has mounted on pulpits in Church circles. His strategies are multiple. If he does not succeed to have frank demonic ministers on the pulpit, he will try to cause the true ministers to dilute the Word that is preached from it. Brethren, watch and pray for the Church. Your Church might be thriving, but God’s vision is beyond your local Church or denomination. Can you imagine the heart of Jesus as He sees these fake ministers ravaging God’s children like this?
Is miracle or accurate “word of knowledge” proof enough that a minister is genuine? ( Rev. 19:20, Acts 16:18).
There are at least two things you can do after reading this devotional. The first is to be personally careful not to allow a sorcerer “prophecy over you” by growing in the faith and discernment. The second is for you to pray for the Church of God at large that the Lord will send ministers after His heart who will feed the flock of God to grow to maturity. This is the dire need of the Church NOW.
Ask the Lord to make you an instrument to build and strengthen His people.
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