What Does “Seated in Heavenly Places” Mean?

And raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6 ESV) 

In the volumes of the mysteries the Spirit revealed to him, Paul says we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places. But how can we be on earth now and still be in heaven at the same time? We will briefly examine the meaning and application of this glorious truth.

Let us begin with the tense of the verb seat and the term places. Paul uses a common Greek tense for seated,  which means the action occurred in the past, and its effects remain true when he was writing. Therefore, we will not be seated with Christ in heaven when He returns. We were seated with Him at salvation, and we are still seating there since then. Additionally, the word places is not in the original but had to be added in English to make sense. However, it carries the same idea as spheres or realms. However, the geographical connotation of the term places does not mean heaven is a physical place—somewhere up there.

The secret to understanding heavenly places lies in the mystery of human beings as spirit, soul, and body functioning as one. Though we traditionally describe three distinct parts of our being, these three parts function as one here on earth. With our bodies, we are present now in the earth; and with our spirit, we are also present now in the spiritual realm. We do not have to leave our bodies to enter into the spirit realm. Spiritual life is not an out-of-body experience—we sometimes have a few. Instead, it is experiencing the states of the spirit in the body and this physical world.

Heavenly places describe the spiritual status of our spirits that governs our lives on earth. This status is mainly that of rank or level of authority and power in fellowship with Christ. Therefore seated in the heavenly places describe the spiritual communion we have with Christ and the exalted position of spiritual authority we have NOW. When you speak to demons, you are talking to them from heavenly places, meaning the power and authority of your words come from a position in the spirit that is exceedingly above all others—God’s position.

Many years ago, I was praying about financial prosperity when the Lord interrupted me with an outstanding revelation; He revealed to me that there is no poverty or disease where I am currently seated with Christ. It is up to me to align my earthly places to my heavenly places through revelation and faith.

Read more: Far Above All Principality and Might.

What are heavenly places?

Apply the Word

I hope this devotional has opened your eyes to your place in Christ and what your life should be from God’s perspective. Keep pressing on.

Ask the Father to help you come into the realities of this truth.

Read more

Jesus Seated at the Right Hand of God.
Where is the secret place of the Most High?
What Does Your Mansion in Heaven Look Like?
View all Deshen Daily devotionals including today’s devotional.

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