Jesus Seated at the Right Hand of God

Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places  (Eph. 1:20 KJV)

When Jesus ascended, He was made by God to sit at His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principalities and power.  What does it mean that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God? Does God have a right hand and a left hand? Does He have a body with physical qualities such as right side and left side?

One of the difficulties we all have as physical beings living in the natural physical world is to attempt to ascribe physical attributes to the spirit realm, especially to God. The Lord does not have a physical body with a right hand and a left hand. Jesus is not sitting at the right-hand SIDE  of God. The scripture above uses figurative language to describe spiritual realities to us. The hand of God is His power and authority. Seated at the right hand of God is ascending to assume the power and authority of God Himself.

However, in our imagery of the scripture, it is easier for us to picture Jesus seated at the right-hand side of a throne on which the Father is sitting. This is what we are familiar with on earth where the heir of the throne may be sitting by the father who is still king. However, we must not allow these earthly analogies to blur our understanding of spiritual realities. Jesus has assumed the authority of God as a Man for His Church.


Why did Jesus ascend to the position of divine authority? Was He not there before? What  difference  does it make to you for Jesus to ascend to the right hand of God as a MAN? Ephesians 1:22.


You are also in Christ in the heavenly places right now! In the realm of the spirit, you have been given the very power and authority of God Himself. That is a big deal! Grow and exercise that power!


Thank the Lord for bringing us into Himself.

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