Want to be filled to overflow? Become hungry!

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled(Matthew 5:6 KJV)

Spiritual hunger is a powerful magnet in your life that attracts an infilling to overflow! There are many of you I see that are hungry: hungry for a closer relationship with the Lord, hungry for an experience and intimacy with His presence , hungry to see His power demonstrated in your life, hungry to see the lost come to Jesus, hungry to see your city turned from the moral decadence to a revival center, etc. 

Jesus said those who are hungry are blessed! He gives the reason why the hungry are blessed “they shall be filled”! God gives food and drink to those who are hungry. If you are not hungry, you do not need to be filled!

Hunger in this sense simply refers to an ardent desire for spiritual things. As I have thought in prior devotionals, you have been filled and you continue to be filled with the Spirit. The key point in this devotional is that what you desire matters spiritually. If you read the biography  of Smith Wigglesworth and Kathryn Kuhlman, for example, before that great anointing came upon them, there was an ardent hunger. The message in this devotional is simple: God uses your desire to fill you. If you have no desire for Him, then there is no container in you to be filled.

Be conscious of this. Encourage a desire in your heart for spiritual things. Get hungry for the manifest presence. Get hungry for His manifest power. Get hunger for the glory to be revealed in you!


What is spiritual hunger? How do you explain the truth that you have been filled and you continue to filled every day?


The action step from this devotional is straightforward: fame to flames hunger in your heart! Once that hunger is burning, get ready for a fullness that will overwhelm you because blessed are those who hunger because they shall be filled!!!


Ask the Spirit to blow a fresh wind of spiritual hunger in your heart.

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