Understanding Redemption: Six Key Components

In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace (Ephesians 1:7, KJV)

Redemption is a vital concept in our salvation journey. Today, we will explore six critical components that help us grasp the profound meaning of this biblical concept: captivity(or slavery), enslaver, the redeemed,  the redeemer, the price paid for redemption, and deliverance.

Redemption fundamentally means the liberation of someone from captivity or slavery. To fully grasp this term, we must delve into the historical context of slavery in biblical times. The supreme Old Testament example of redemption is the Exodus of Israel from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 15:13).

The need for redemption arises when an enslaver takes individuals into captivity or bondage. Humanity is trapped in slavery to sin, Satan, corruption, and religion. Understanding our redemption in Christ hinges on recognizing the depth of our bondage before Christ’s intervention and the ruthless enslaver who ruled over us. This bondage is not merely committing sins but a deadly cycle: we sinned, faced divine judgment, and suffered God’s condemnation—ultimately leading to death. Consider how humans are trapped by sinful behaviors, demonic oppression, diseases, emotional torments,  poverty, physical death, and ultimately eternal damnation in hell.

While we were in bondage to this cruel master and enduring its suffering, our Redeemer stepped in, paid the price of redemption, and set us free from that enslavement. Jesus, the One who grants us freedom, paid a hefty price to deliver us—His suffering and death, marked by the shedding of His precious blood (1 Peter 1:18). In a sense, He purchased us out of slavery with His blood, just as enslaved people were bought in biblical times. We were bought out of suffering and condemnation at a cost (1 Corinthians 6:20). We are now liberated from sin, released from Satan’s grip, and rescued from the clutches of spiritual death.

Rejoice! Christ has set you free. He is our redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). He paid a steep price for your freedom from sin, release from Satan’s oppression, and deliverance from the consequences of spiritual death.


Can you identify the six key components of redemption discussed above?

Apply the Word

Are you truly free? Believing in Jesus means accepting the price He paid for our redemption. As a believer, you can enforce your freedom from sin, spiritual death, and demonic oppression by appropriating Christ’s work. Make His work count; do not accept suffering from what He has paid to deliver you from.


Thank Jesus, our Redeemer, for paying the price for our redemption.

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