Three things we do when we praise
Praise ye the LORD: For it is good to sing praises unto our God; For it is pleasant; and praise is comely (Psalm 147:1, KJV)

Praising God is not merely an exhortation in scripture but a commandment. There is a repeated command, most apparent in the Psalms, to praise the Lord at all times. The Psalmist says above “it is good to sing praises unto our God”. There are at least three things that happen when we praise God, amongst others.
The first is that God is celebrated when we praise Him. Celebration really means what it says, celebration! The Lord loves to be celebrated. He wants His people to rejoice and celebrate Him and what He does in our lives. A celebration can sometimes be noisy, with dancing, singing, shouting, clapping etc. He loves it all when His people celebrate Him! In fact, He is a God of celebration!
The second thing that takes place in praise is the elevation of God. When we praise Him, we are lifting Him up and higher above everything else. Have you ever witnessed when people sing the praises of celebrities or a politician? They are essentially raising them up. Well, praise is lifting the Lord up. He alone deserves the praise.
A third thing that happens when we praise is that we make God known. Praise is talking about what God has done. When you talk about what He has done to other people, you are giving Him praise. You are making known His works. This is why you should not be talking about what Satan is doing. Talk about God!
What are the three things that occur when we praise God as discussed above?
In the atmosphere of praise, God is celebrated, elevated and made known. If you want to nurture God’s presence in your life, cultivate this atmosphere of praise. Learn to celebrate God. Elevate Him. Talk about what God does and not what Satan is doing.
Praise the Lord right now to celebrate, elevate, and make Him known!
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